Opel Corsa B 1993–2000 Service and Repair Manual: Manual transmission oil level check

1. Ensure that the vehicle is standing on level ground and the handbrake applied.

2. Working underneath the vehicle, unscrew the transmission oil level plug (see illustration). The level plug is located beside the driveshaft inner CV joint; on 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and later 1.6 litre models the plug is on the left-hand side of the transmission, and on all other models it is on the right-hand side.

Every 18 000 miles
Removing the manual transmission level plug - early 1.6 litre model shown

3. The oil level should be up to the lower edge of the level plug hole.

4. If necessary, top-up with oil through the breather/filler orifice in the gear selector cover. Unscrew the breather/filler plug, and top-up with the specified grade of oil, until oil just begins to run from the level plug hole. A funnel may be helpful, to avoid spillage (see illustrations). Do not overfill - if too much oil is added, wait until the excess has run out of the level plug hole. Refit the level plug and the breather/filler plug on completion.

Every 18 000 miles
To top up, unscrew the breather/filler plug from the top of the transmission . . .

Every 18 000 miles
. . . then top up via the breather/filler plug orifice

Rear brake shoe, wheel cylinder and drum check

1. Chock the front wheels, then jack up the rear of the vehicle, and support it securely on axle stands.

2. For a quick check, the thickness of friction material remaining on one of the brake shoes can be observed through the hole in the brake backplate which is exposed by prising out the sealing grommet (see illustration). If a rod of the same diameter as the specified minimum friction material thickness is placed against the shoe friction material, the amount of wear can be assessed. A torch or inspection light will probably be required. If the friction material on any shoe is worn down to the specified minimum thickness or less, all four shoes must be renewed as a set.

Every 18 000 miles
Removing the sealing grommet from the inspection hole in the rear brake backplate

3. For a comprehensive check, the brake drum should be removed and cleaned. This will allow the wheel cylinders to be checked, and the condition of the brake drum itself to be fully examined.

Brake fluid renewal

Warning: Brake hydraulic fluid can harm your eyes and damage painted surfaces, so use extreme caution when handling and pouring it. Do not use fluid that has been standing open for some time as it absorbs moisture from the air.

Excess moisture can cause a dangerous loss of braking effectiveness.

1. The procedure is similar to that for the bleeding of the hydraulic system, except that the brake fluid reservoir should be emptied by siphoning, using a clean poultry baster or similar before starting, and allowance should be made for the old fluid to be expelled when bleeding a section of the circuit.

2. Open the first bleed screw in the sequence and pump the brake pedal gently until nearly all the old fluid has been emptied from the master cylinder reservoir. Top-up to the `MAX' level with new fluid and continue pumping until only the new fluid remains in the reservoir and new fluid can be seen emerging from the bleed screw. Tighten the screw and top the reservoir level up to the `MAX' level line.

OHV engine   Old hydraulic fluid is invariably much darker in colour than the new, making it easy to distinguish the two.

3. Work through all the remaining bleed screws in sequence until new fluid can be seen at all of them. Be careful to keep the master cylinder reservoir topped up to above the `MIN' level at all times or air may enter the system and greatly increase the length of the task.

4. When the operation is complete, check that all bleed screws are securely tightened and that their dust caps are refitted. Wash off all traces of spilt fluid and recheck the master cylinder reservoir fluid level.

5. Check the operation of the brakes before taking the car on the road.

Headlamp aim check

Accurate adjustment of the headlight beam is only possible using optical beam-setting equipment, and this work should therefore be carried out by a Vauxhall/Opel dealer or service station with the necessary facilities.

Basic adjustments can be carried out in an emergency.

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