Opel Corsa B 1993–2000 Service and Repair Manual: Maintenance and minor repair tool kit
Opel Corsa B 1993–2000 Service and Repair Manual / Reference / Tools and Working Facilities / Maintenance and minor repair
tool kit
The tools given in this list should be considered as a minimum requirement if routine maintenance, servicing and minor repair operations are to be undertaken. We recommend the purchase of combination spanners (ring one end, open-ended the other); although more expensive than open-ended ones, they do give the advantages of both types of spanner.
- Combination spanners: Metric - 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 & 19 mm
- Adjustable spanner - 35 mm jaw (approx.)
- Spark plug spanner (with rubber insert)
- Spark plug gap adjustment tool
- Set of feeler blades
- Brake bleed nipple spanner
- Screwdrivers:
Flat blade - 100 mm long x 6 mm dia
Cross blade - 100 mm long x 6 mm dia - Combination pliers
- Hacksaw (junior)
- Tyre pump
- Tyre pressure gauge
- Oil can
- Oil filter removal tool
- Fine emery cloth
- Wire brush (small)
- Funnel (medium size)
A selection of good tools is a fundamental
requirement for anyone contemplating the
maintenance and repair of a motor vehicle.
For the owner who does not possess any,
their purchase will prove a ...
Repair and overhaul tool kit
These tools are virtually essential for
anyone undertaking any major repairs to a motor vehicle, and are additional to
given in the Maintenance and minor repair list.
Included in this lis ...
See also:
Opel Corsa Owners Manual. Glovebox, Cupholders, Underseat storage, Rear carrier system
The glovebox features:
■ card holder in cheque card format.
■ pen holder.
■ pocket torch holder.
The glovebox should be closed whilst
drivin ...