Opel Corsa B 1993–2000 Service and Repair Manual: Rear springs - removal and refitting
1. Rear springs should be renewed in pairs.
2. On vehicles with a level control system, depressurise it at the filling valve.
3. Raise and support the rear of the vehicle.
Hatchback and Saloon
4. Unload the shock absorber mounting on one side by jacking up under the axle arm. A tool made up to the dimensions shown is useful for this (see illustration).
Rear axle arm jacking adapter. All
dimensions in mm; diameter A to suit jack
5. Unbolt the shock absorber lower mounting.
Free the lower end of the shock absorber from its bracket.
6. Lower the jack and remove the spring and rubber dampers. Lever the axle arm downwards slightly if necessary to remove the spring.
7. If the spring is to be renewed, it is sound policy to renew the rubber dampers also.
8. Insert the new spring and dampers, raise the axle arm and make fast the shock absorber lower mounting. Where conical type springs are fitted, ensure that the upper ends are correctly located in the spring seat (see illustration).
Correct location of upper end of
spring (arrowed) - conical type shown
9. Repeat the operations on the other side of the vehicle. On completion, inflate the level control system (where fitted) to 0.8 bar.
Estate and Van
10. Jack up under one axle arm and unbolt the shock absorber lower mounting. Lower the jack and repeat the operation on the other side, leaving the jack in place.
11. Remove the springs and lower dampers, lowering the jack as necessary.
12. If renewing the sprung upper dampers, glue them in position with impact adhesive to aid fitting.
13. Fit the new spring and dampers. Where conical type springs are fitted, ensure that the upper ends are correctly located in the spring seat.
14. Raise the jack and reconnect the shock absorber lower mounting on that side, then transfer the jack to the other side and secure the other shock absorber.
15. Tighten the shock absorber lower mountings to the specified torque. On completion, inflate the level control system (where fitted) to 0.8 bar.
Rear anti-roll bar - removal
and refitting
Main roll bar
1. Slacken the rear wheel bolts on one side
only. Raise and support the rear of the vehicle
remove the roadwheel.
2. Remove the mounting nut and bolt from
both ends of ...
Rear axle assembly - removal
and refitting
1. Slacken the rear wheel bolts, raise and
support the rear of the vehicle and remove the rear
2. On vehicles with a level control system,
depressurise it at the filling valve.
3 ...
See also:
Opel Corsa B 1993–2000 Service and Repair Manual. Check control system - general
1. Fitted to some higher specifications
models, the check control system monitors
important fluid levels, brake pad wear and
bulb failure. A bank of six or seven warning
lights to the left of the ...